Creatura by Nely Cab

Rating: 0 out of 5
Blurb:When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, she decides to confront her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a menacing entity.
Thoughts: This book was severely and poorly written Their were differing view points that made no sense, poorly written characters and parental figures, who basically acted like children themselves! This book was absolutely terrible and it's easy to see how immature and unorganized a writer has to be to write this. Don't waste your time reading this book. This book has no romance and the heroine (Isis) is just a hopeless romantic, who always thinks about the hot guy. And I can not stand David (the hot guy, that stalks her in her dreams), who is a total wuss and such a crybaby. Lastly, the mother, Claire, she is absolutely the worst mother ever. She has no qualms with a random guy popping into her daughter's bedroom and playing on a guitar... (She thought it was romantic) and when the ex-boyfriend of Isis decides to force himself upon Isis, the mom isn't even upset and brushes it off! And finally, the thing that really put the final nail in the coffin of this book, is the fact that Daniel, contemplated making Isis love him, with the help of a love spell and the God of Love Eros! What the heck! Honestly, the only good part about it, is that it's free. Don't waste your breath, thinking you will find a really nice paranormal romance. You will be sorely disappointed.